Pamela Alex (Kirsch): Letting you know, you have correct addresses for Allen Kirsch and Pamala (Alex) Kirsch. We received your postcard. Thank you.
Ellen Austin (Townsend): If anyone from Gurrie and 7th Ave. School has any plans for Friday night, let me know. Thanks, Ellen Austin (Townsend)
Paul Barbahen: If you need any assistance, please call or write.
Elizabeth Barnett (Lang): Looking forward to October seeing old friends and possibly making new ones. I can remember back when I was just a tyke, going to the Homecoming Parade and thinking "Wow, those people are soooo old... they've been out of school a whole 25 years!" I'm excited about being "in" with the "old people!"
Christina Baumgartner (Strache):
Lisa Billmeyer (Esch): Hi, this is Lisa Billmeyer Esch and you have my correct address. Thanks for the hard work.
Cornelius Blake: Retired After 20yrs Honarable Service in the United States Navy.
Linda Blakeslee (Rasmussen): College: U of Colorado, Loyola U. Grad from Grad School '84 as a Nurse Practitioner. Moved to Fairbanks in '86, marrying the best man from Jackie Shafranski's wedding in '84. I've traveled, lived, worked, mushed, kayaked, hunted, fished, skied and flown around much of the state. Lived with water, and without, moose in the garden, northern lights, earthquakes, plane crashes, great friends. Two boys, Kirk, 9 and Carl, 4 -life's' greatest gifts. Recently divorced, still happy. Come
Elizabeth Bodlak (Hartrick): I will be glad to help out in any way with the festivities.
Kimberly Bogdan (Cascia): Wow, 25 years later! I've worked in the investment community as a stockbroker for the past 20+ years. I have a really nice life, living with my husband Mark, a rocket scientist and our two daughters, Greer Claire age 3 and Mia Marie 22 months, in a farmhouse built in the 1700's with a vineyard, on an island on the Chesapeake Bay which we are slowly restoring. I love living on the water watching my babies & vines grow.
Mary Bower: Here is the address of Ruth Burke (she did not get a postcard),...,LaGrange, IL 60525
Michael Brophy: Please let everyone know that I, for one, haven't aged a bit in 25 years. I just CHOSE to tint my hair gray...See you all in October! - Mike Brophy
Kathleen Brough (Muzzin): I keep in touch with Bob Marshall. I have his current address if you need it. If you have Jody Felter's address, I would appreciate it if you would send it to me. I have lost track of her and would like to find out if she is attending the reunion. Thanks,Kathleen Brough Muzzin
Joanne Browne (Browne-Seivwright):
Ruth Browne (Gerth): This is just to verify that you do indeed have my mailing address-I received card re:homecoming.
Becky Buchholz (Leach): I would love to come, but will not be able too. I live in Arizona now, and won't be able to make it.
Bonnie Burnham: My new address is as follows: ...Dunedin, Fl.
Susan Caldwell (Badger): I'm am SOOO looking forward to the big 25. I expect to see everyone and I mean everyone there!
Douglas Campbell: Start earlier in the day, don't play the music so loud, and don't play so much disco.
James Carlson: Hey this was a Great Idea and I am looking forward to seeing many of my old . . . and at this point do I mean OLD friends. Just kidding about the Tarot Cards ect. I can be contacted any way that suits you guys.
Cynthia Chicouris (MacFarlan): Currently a stay-at-home mom and homemaker
Martha Coffey (Mueller): Just to let you know that I received the postcard! Martha Mueller (Coffey '76) Sounds like fun, count me in!!!
Steve Cook: I'm thinking of coming, and have bought a ticket. However, I can't tell if I can get into the reunion party, and if not there doesn't seem to be much point in flying all the way from Oregon. Can you confirm whether the party is full, or whether I can get in if I show up on Saturday? I'd be glad to send a check now if there's some way to reserve a spot.
Kathy Cooke (Nicolls): Looking forward to seeing everyone in October. Had a great time at the 20th, sans husband. Bob and I have decided not to take separate vacations this year; he's looking forward to seeing everyone this time plus Forest Road on Friday. Anything planned for SFX?
Mary Cooper (Feliz): Thanks to all of you for working so hard on reunion. I won't be able to come. I'm chairing a big event for my children's school that day.
Sally Cooper (Blackburn): I am living in Sydney, Australia with my husband and two boys. I don't think I will be able to make it unless I win a free airline ticket. Have fun.
Ralph Cossey: Please DO NOT distribute or publish my addresses or phone numbers Thanks, -Sly
Jo Anne Crist (Gillispie): I look forward to seeing you!
Sue Delano: Please do send more information about reunion, I do hope to make this one.
Virginia Docherty (Timmerman): Do you have a list of people that you cannot find? I happen to keep in touch with several of the alumni. Please let me know how I can send the information I have and if you need them. I look forward to the reunion!!
Mike 'Doc' Dockstader: At the moment I don't know my work schedule. If at all possible I will attend.
Martin Duhatschek: Resident playwright at Rebel Allaince Theater. Eight produced shows to date.
Laura Edwards (Abel): Hi, it's me again, I forgot to fill this out the first time, I listed my address. Please omit my previous married name of "Lullo" on your records, as you can count me an "Abel" now (go figure):) My name now is Laura Edwards~Abel, thanks !
Theresa Favata (Gottlieb): My e-mail address was wrong in the
Carl Ferguson:   Found Carl - Just send him the info!
Patrick Ferowich: Would like to hear from ST.CLETUS grammer school classmates who are attending along with 76 mates.
Carol Figler (Gordon):   I'm looking forward to it! Would love to see Diane Ross, Sue Cox, Beth Bruckner, Nancy Weiss, Stan Cook, Tom Tilden, Mike Hitchcock, Ken Kale, Mike Kienzle, Marty Duhatscek (sp?)and lots of others! --Carol Figler Gordon
David Fisher: Had a great time at the 20th and will definitly be there.
John Flood , Jr. (Flood, Jr.):
Richard Folke: please note that we have moved recently so this is a change of address
Jason Ford: I did not attend LTHS but I did attend Oak Ave middle school from 1969 until graduation in 1972 at which time my family moved to Birmingham, Mich. I would have gone to LTHS and graduated in 1976 had I not moved therefore I would like to attend the 25th reunion to renew old friendships from Ogden Ave elementary and Oak Ave middle schools.
Jeffrey Freitag: The events of 9/11/01 were a senseless loss. I wish to extend my sympathy for all those affected. I have work for United Airlines in Chicago as an Aircraft Mechanic for the past 4 years.As such, much trust is put into the job that I perform. I takevery personally the safety of our passengers which include my children, family, and friends.I hope faith will be restored in travel with the airlines quickly. As always, take care.
Nancy Garis (Gongaware): I am currently living in Batavia, Il with my husband, Jim, my daughter Kathleen (15 yrs), and my son, Tony (13 yrs). Jim and I will be married 20 years in January. We met in college and spent the first nine years of our marriage travelling while he was in the Air Force. He is now a pilot with Delta Air Lines. After earning my degree from NIU in 1980, I went back to school and earned my teaching credentials from the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. I have taught for many years, both before and after having children, but am currently on hiatus until the kids graduate from High School. We have two horses, two cats and an angel named Sophie in dog heaven! It's been a great ride since LT days. I can't wait to see what the next 25 years hold. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!
Joy Garrett (Garrett-Jones): Since leaving LTHS I attended college at Utah State, College of DuPage and finally finished my BA at University Wisconsin-Eau Claire (6 year plan!). I received my MA in Sociology from Central Michigan University in 1984, and have lived in Michigan ever since. Over the past 11 1/2 years I have worked for Muskegon County Community Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities; prior to this I worked in several locations in the Chemical Dependency field. My greatest joys are my two children, Lindsey(8) and Ryan(6), which I had later in life, but certainly keep me young-at-heart! Also my God and my ministry involvements. I am divorced and have been a single parent for 5 1/2 years. Overworked, overtired, and finances are tight BUT I am at peace. I am horrible with names but great with faces; I look forward to seeing people I know at the reunion and, hopefully, reconnect with old friends and maybe even make some new ones! My e-mail is for anyone who is interested in contacting me. See everyone soon!
Eric Geiser: Currently stationed in Gaeta, Italy.
Helen Giffrow: I am class of '76, but attended LT only for frosh year because my family moved to California. I'm hoping to attend the reunion to see the people I grew up with and knew at Oak Jr. High, Ogden Elementary and even Congress Park Elementary. Memories!
Gerald Greco: I may be at the reunion we'll see. Its incredible how fast the time has gone by.
Robert Griffeth: My wife, Sara, and I have 5 kids: Rachael-17, Michael-16, Rebecca-14, Christina-12, and Abigail-3. Sara grew up in southern IL where she was valedictorian of her 97-member class, so this reunion should be a bit overwhelming! At LT, I was on the football team freshman year, then poured my efforts into music and church. My fond memories involve music (including Small Choir, Madrigals, musicals, and going to state twice for vocal finals), Premier Boys State, and being President of the youth group at LaGrange Bible Church. After LT, I went to Wheaton College, where I was in Men's Glee Club, and then poured myself into varsity football. I was also co-captain of the basketball cheerleading squad. I earned a BA in Rec.Mgmt, intending to go into camp directing or health club management. Instead, I went into facilities management, including renovating the Paramount Theatre in Aurora. Since '96, I have been employeed as Sales Engineer for an Addison, IL manufacturing company, where I am the editor of the company newsletter. One of my fondest memories will always be singing the LTHS fight song with my grandmother (Class of '21), right up to her passing away earlier this year. Currently, we live in Lombard, attend Christ Church of OakBrook, enjoy camping, boating, and traveling. Sara and I love sneaking away alone in our Mustang convertible for "date nights". Can't wait to catch up on old times with you folks at the reunion!!
Scott Guido: I work out of my house for the Pierce & Associates firm as a co-counsel (the firm is concentrated in real estate/mortgage foreclosures) I became a father for the first time at age 39(my son was born on 1-1-98)& have been married since 1985. I love this new computer age & look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.
Matthew Heatherly: You found me!! Address is correct. Look forward to the reuion.
Sandi Hermes (Hart): I have 2 wonderful grandchildren!
Lynn Holler (Zurowski): Hi! Just to confirm- You reached Tom Zurowski - class of '76 and Lynn Holler Zurowski - class of '76 at the correct mailing address. You now have an email address (above) in case you want to reach people that way! See you in October!
Burness 'Bernie' Holt: I only went to LT my last year so I did not know alot of kids, but it was a great school. proud to be a part of 1976 class
Michael Hood: Let me know if there is anything that I might be able to help with.
Candace Hooper: Three of my classmates found me three different ways. I have added my address to your list, so you can update it!
Kent Hooper: As a prof. of German, I work mostly in semiotic theory (approaches to literature and the other arts of the modern period); but I spend much of my time nowadays playing traditional Irish music with Slainte (go to, drinking whiskey and propagandizing for left-wing causes; I married a woman from Ireland, and we have 2 dual-citizen children (if US citizens keep electing morons like Bush as president, who knows??) --the kids keep us both quite amused if not also quite
Holly Hubble (Roman): Greetings from Texas, I am unable to attend the reunion but would like to receive the alumni book. I'll mail my $15 today, but since the mail may be slow for awhile---who knows when you'll get it. Here's my bio: Graduated from U. of I. in Elementary Education. Taught 3rd grade for five years in Houston, TX. Married Jim Roman in 1983. Transferred to Ponca City, OK in 1985 & had 4 kids. Back in the Houston area since 1994. Staying home with kids has not driven me completely crazy yet. Son is 15 yrs. 3 daughters: 13, 11, & 8yrs. Jim & I started & ran the youth wrestling program here for past 5 years. Well, there's your 60+ words. Hard to describe it all in so little. Wish I could make it up for the reunion, instead I'll be going to 2 or 3 soccer games & a volleyball tournament & doing other October mom stuff. Thanks for all of your work, Holly
Scott 'Bones' Huneryager: Scott Huneryager (Bones) leaving a posting for Joe Reetz... Joesph, please let me know if you and the "Crew" are getting together anytime Friday or Saturday!!
Natalie Jablokow (Karg): We are happily living on a lake in a small town in Minnesota.
Curt James: I hope life is treating everyone well!
William Jamrok: I missed the last one. And I am looking foward to this one.
Annamarie Katona: 25 years already?! Would love to see some of you, but I am moving to Montana soon.
David Kendell: I have a bunch of old proof sheets for TAB and negs to go with the from 74-75-76 does any one want these photos and negs.
Brad Kiehl: Had a GREAT TIME! glad to see Rick O., Kevin O., Randy & Sandy, The Congress Park Gang(Especially), Shelly, Margret, Becky, Kay,John M.,Regina,Colleen B,(Your Husbands A Dead Ass),Mary W., Sandy E.,Rich D.,T.L.,Loretta B.,and all my friends from high school. hope we're all still around for the next one. I know Colleen will read this. bwaaaaaahaaahaaahaahahahaha. take care.
Michael Klecka: You may utilize any of the supplied information to contact me.
Frank Klimas: My company serves the micro-electronics industry.
William Kohlsaat: Keeley, thanks for the notification! Bill Kohlsaat
Donald Kosin: Do I get more than 60 words on this one? I am looking forward to seeing people. I am a political junkie, I am very happy, and I am still considered quite eccentric, though respected--incredibly.
Melanie La Force: I would really like to be at the reunion, but my husband and I have signed up for Earthwatch trip and are leaving for Madagascar to do some wildlife volunteer work. We are a little shaken by the tragedies that have occurred, but we would like to do this work. I hope that all are safe and wish the best at the reunion.
Susan Le Beau: Been here for 6 years and still haven't found a good "Chicago style hot dog" or a decent pizza. The BIG city is certainly, overwhelming, but 600,000 tourist per year, is no a pretty picture. I have to travel 500 miles to the closest Wal-mart, and living in the state capitol, sure makes you opinionated.
Bob Lewis: Bob Lewis here. Bob Marshall sent me an email regarding the reunion. I would appreciated any info you can send me. I missed the 20th and don't want to miss the 25th. I have been living in Charlotte since 1984 and seemed to have lost touch. Look forward to seeing you and everyone again.
Roman Lipp: Great job on the website! It was nice to scan the pictures and read some of the updates. I will plan on attending the soccer game Friday night and some of the activities on Saturday. After LTHS, I went to Dartmouth College and then to the Amos Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth for my MBA. I've worked on Wall Street for my entire career and currently am managing director of the fixed income business for Bank of America in the midwest region. I met my wife, Kathy, at Sara (Gross) and Dan Ureel's wedding...she is Danny's cousin. We have 3 children: Christopher (12 yrs); Nicole (10 yrs); and Madeline (7 years). We've lived in New York; Chicago; Los Angeles; and currently, we've been back in Chicago for the last 9 years. Am looking forward to reunion. Thanks for all the work that you have done to make this happen.
Barb Maas (Binversie): HI! I am excited to learn that there is a committee planning our 25th reunion!! I was a bit confused by the information. The date for the reunion is October 13th, yet the information given was for the Homecoming weekend for the end of October. Are we really going to have our 25th at the Willowbrook Horse Farm again??
Bob Martinek: I think Stan Cook's address is: ...Hinsdale, IL 60521. P.S. Great job with the website!
Ken Mathis: looking forward to seeing old friends from Ideal grade school and Gurrie Jr. high--Hey Klecka, bring a bottle of Dry Sack!!!
Karen McGlone (Boyle): I'd like to help make the float for the parade-----do we need one?
Kevin McKernin: Does anyone really read these?
Michael Melbinger: Graduated from Notre Dame in 1980. Law degree from University of Illinois in 1983. Married Karen in 1984 (ND '81, Illinois Law '84). Partner and head of the Executive Compensation and Employee Benefits Department, Winston & Strawn.
Susan Mezan (Hubbard): Thank you for organizing this reunion.
Robert Miller: You may use my e-mail address as well as the postal service to contact me. Look forward to seeing everyone this October!!!!!
Lorna Morelli (Pecora): Also own J & R Cycle & Ski
Tony Morello: Hi Tony Morello here and I am really looking forward to come back and wear a jacket to the homecoming football game (any soccer games on tap?)I'm sorry I missed #20 but I assure you I will be there on October 13 2001 for # 25 wow we are getting old !! lol .Thanks for the invite see you all in about 6 or 7 months. Good-bye, Tony Morello
Bryan Murphy: Owner of Murphy's Hilltop and Murphy's Downunder in Hodgkins 708 354-9785 Would Love To See Classmates
Laura Nenn (Burns): Please add the total number of classmates in the graduation class of 1976 to the Stats page if possible. I have been curious to the exact number. People ask me this question once in a while and I can't remember.
Bob Nicolls: The best part of the 10 year reunion for me was tending bar. It allowed about 60 seconds to see just about everybody. Do you need that service this time at the Farm? Kathy Cooke is my wife with all the same info as above....including, I think, the Happily married part....I think.
Arthur Novacek (Anton):
Ralph Nozaki: Work Email:
Linda Owens (Dumas): Friday night I'll be at LEDO's if any Gurrie or Ideal people would like to meet there...can't wait to see everyone!
Hershal Parker: Just want to be updated on reunion info, would like to attend.
Dave Potts: Dan et al, Look forward to seeing all in October. Address is correct. If I can help, let me know. Dave Potts
Cynthia Purkis (Tighe): I am verifying that you have my correct address:
Gregg Pusateri: Dan, Just verifying that you have my correct address at the present time.
Cynthia Raczka (Kosik): Probably will not be able to attend the reunion in Oct, due to my 12 year old son competing in the Figure Skating Regional Championships in St. Paul, MN in Oct.
Rob Reedy: if at all possible I plan to be there...
Joseph Reetz: I'm excited to see all of my classmates from LTHS Class of 1976. See you at the reunion.
Sue Rettig (Trunk): Thanks for putting this all together!!!
Brian Rice: Brian is a computer consultant, and works from his home in Darien, doing video game programming and web site development. He has a 10-year old daughter, Brittany. :)
Robert Riordan: If you are compiling email addresses, mine is above.
Diane Rosol (Urban): Boy times have changed, e-mail sure is great. Sounds like it will be a great weekend. Can't wait to see everyone. I might know someone w/Carl Ferguson's address, will send if I can get it.
John Rosshirt: Looking forward to renewing old acquaintances. It has been a long time since I have seen anyone from LT, AFS, Guard club, Soccer, Swimming, and Room 4! I have lots of fun memories and looking forward to reviving those and seeing how much I have forgotten. How has time treated you? Give me an email! We'll see you there. (Is Ledo's still open?)
Jill Ryan (Stover): Hi, I'm verifying my address for the reunion information. I am currently living at: ...Shorewood, IL. Hope to hear from you. Thanks, Jill
Sandra Sallman: Looking forward to the reunion....
Paul Schack: I am need of more information. As I have a wife and two kids. Will the Saturday evening affair be family friendly? Also any specific information you may have would be helpful. For example costs.
Janet Scheibelhut (Cather): The correct address for Janet Scheibelhut (Cather) is:...Glen Ellyn, IL
Rebecca 'Lynn' Schenck (Van Nydeggen): This would be my first reunion attended since graduation, and I am looking forward to it very much! I now go by Rebecca, and all mail should be addressed to Rebecca Van Nydeggen, not Lynn Rebecca Van Nydeggen(this was a legal name change). I just left it that way because so many classmates wouldn't know who I was if the "Lynn" wasn't there. Thanks!
Christine Schiller (Smessaert):
Laura Schlueter (Kuechle): Can't wait to see everyone. I hope more show up that weren't able to make the 20th.
David See: Will you have a list of RSVP's that we can check prior to coming? Would be nice to have contact with some friends, prior to coming. thanks
Christine Sekera (Sagadin): Are you sure it has been 25 years already?
Daniel Sewall: Great site! I can't figure out the forum, and will a directory be available?
Fulton Sheen: I attempted to input my information on your e-mail site however it didn't or I didn't work right, either way my wife Cheryl and I plan to attend to attend the 1976 Class Reunion. This is Fulton Sheen however, I was called Tripp in High School.
William Shore: I'm glad I'm getting another chance to attend a reunion. I was out of town doing shows when the others were scheduled. Looking forward to it. P.S. Do you have a DJ? I know a very good one.
?subject=LTHS Reunion"> Georgianne "Gigi" Skoubis (Lenef):
Randall Smith: I'm really interested in coming but it's a long trip from where I live now.
David Sovereign: If for some reason unable to attend - is the committee publishing a directory?
Brad Speck: Been bouncing around the country for the past 10 years so I am looking forward to seeing old friends at the reunion and catching up on what everyone has been up to. Still married to my High School sweetheart (Doreen Kurash) and we now have (6) children. We are just wondering now if they will ever grow up and actually move out------can't afford to add any more bedrooms. We are living in the Atlanta, GA area if anyone else is in the area, give us a call. New email is and for Doreen Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Laura Sternitzke (Reihsmann): Hi! Here are a couple of addresses for your file: ...Hope this helps!
Jill Swanson: Great website...easy to use. Looking forward to seeing everyone!! Thanks to Dan, Keely and the Reunion Committee for all their hard work!
Tracey Syke (Sloan): I recieved a postcard, under divorced name-Tracy Gonzales. You may change name and address. I am planning on coming.
John (Chris) Taylor: It is exciting to see all the names that bring memories back. Unfortunately, will not be able to attend due to work constraints, yet my hope is if people want to e-mail me, pls do so as I would love to hear from you.
Beth Teninga (Collins): Hey Dan, Keeley and Kevin, Can't believe its 25 years already. Hope all is well with you guys. Give me a buzz or drop me a line if you need assistance for the reunion!Thanks Beth Collins (Teninga)
Jody Thompson (AllenRandolph): Just back from a month in Florida (working). Bill was working in Ft. Lauderdale and my work was in Miami, so that worked out nicely. Except for a parrot that shouted "Hello Honey!" at me then bit me when I offered him a pistachio, we had a pretty good time. Now I am back in SB for a month or so before we change bases to Ireland for four months.
Michael Trtol: I want to see all the Forest Road gang show up!!
Patricia Turner (Kmoch): are you kidding...i wouldn't miss this!!!!!!!!!!!
Vonda Turner (Persijn): Anxiously awaiting more information!
Bill 'Tusch' Tuschall: Nice work on the website! Thanks for the effort, I'm stoked about coming!! Bill
John Ullrich: I will come to the 25th only if you and your wife promise not to dump garage sale leftovers on my front porch. See Ya, John
Nancy Van Nest: Trying to work it out to be there!
Bob Waddell: Hi Dan, I am coming to the reunion, hope I can get in at the door Saturday night.
Pam Willard (Facchini): Hi I am Pamela Willard (Facchini) My address is ... Livonia MI.
Mark Williams:
Curt Wilson: I just took a look at the in memoriam list and was disturbed by the number of people on that list. One of the problems with moving out of an area is you lose touch with people that you spent a great deal of time with and when you see that they have passed it comes as a shock. If you have the data it might be a help to people to put a date of birth and the year they passed next to their name. Also if you have any information on Cynthia Wilcox's passing it would be appreciated.
Debra Zilka (Esler): I received the card in the mail, however, my husband, Kevin did not. Am looking forward to the reunion. If you need others addressess, I have a lot. You can contact me.
Lisa Zwalley (Zwalley-Miller):